Educational Resources for Elepar's Technologies
For Elepar overall (and the interrelationships of the technologies):
- A relatively complete bibliography.
- Slides
- Distributed Resource Collectives
(29 slides)
- Distributed Resource Collectives
(35 slides)
- Peer to Peer
(32 slides)
- P2P white paper (7 pages, 2001)
For technologies individually:
ScalPL (or Software Cabling)
- "What are F-Nets" video, tech/programmers, 2017, 38 minutes 1-of-2
- "What is ScalPL", video, tech/programmers, 2017, 42 minutes, 2-of-2
- "In a nutshell" video (8 minutes, 2017, audience: programmers)
- "Intro to book" video (12 minutes, 2012, audience: non-tech)
- As presented to Zissou Society of Programming Languages (83 minutes)
presenter view or
audience view
- "What's in a plan", HGP presentation, non-tech audience (72 minutes, 2016?)
Tech papers
- Intro paper, "Temporospatial Software Architecture With F-Nets and ScalPL", (2017, audience: programmers)
- Tolerant (Parallel) Programming with F-Nets and Software Cabling, 1997 Workshop on Software Engineering for Parallel and Distributed Systems (PDSE97), Boston, MA, May 1997 paper (as Software Cabling)
(associated slides)
- DiNucci's PhD Dissertation, "A formal model for architecture-independent parallel software engineering", 1991, Oregon Graduate Institute
CDS (or BCR)
PICA (or Abstract Owner, AO)
- Online Overview (2001)
- Distributed Resource Collectives: P2P and Computational Grid
- Architectural Models for Resource Management in the Grid, paper from International Workshop on Grid Computing, GRID 2000