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elepar Technology Research Bibliography

Here is a list of published documents regarding SC, CDS, F-Nets, LGDF2, and LGDF, in reverse chronological order to permit easy access to newer papers.  (Pointers to some Postscript versions are given, but because many of those documents are stored on other servers, these pointers may become invalid without warning.)

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[ScalPL, CDS, F-Nets] D. C. DiNucci, "Scalable Planning: Concurrent Action from Elemental Thinking", May 2012, Createspace, ISBN 978-1475211160.

[SC/Director] R. Buyya, S. J. Chapin, D. C. DiNucci, "Architectural Models for Resource Management in the Grid", GRID '00 Proceedings of the First IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Grid Computing, Springer-Verlag, Londen, 2000.

[SC & F-Nets] D. C. DiNucci, "Tolerant (Parallel) Programming with F-Nets and Software Cabling", Proceedings of the Workshop on Software Engineering for Parallel and Distributed Systems (PDSE'97), Boston, MA, May 1997, pp. 198-209. (Paper in PDF, ©IEEE, 1997) (Slides in PDF)

[SC & F-Nets] D. C. DiNucci, "Tolerant (Parallel) Programming for the Computational Power Grid", videotape of NAS New Technology Seminar, April 30, 1997, NAS Division, NASA Ames Research Center.

[CDS] D. C. DiNucci, "Cooperative Data Sharing: Simple Support for Clusters of SMP Nodes", Proceedings of the Cluster Computer Conference (CCC'97), Atlanta, GA, March 1997.

[CDS] D. C. DiNucci, "A Simple and Efficient Process and Communication Abstraction for Network Operating Systems", Proceedings of the Workshop on Communication and Architectural Support for Network-Based Parallel Computing (CANPC) '97, San Antonio, Feb 1-2, 1997, published as LNCS volume 1199, Springer-Verlag, pp. 31-45, D. Panda and C. Stunkel Eds.

[CDS] D. C. DiNucci, "Cooperative Data Sharing: An Architecture-Independent Interface for Implementing Parallel CFD Applications", HPCC Computational Aerosciences (CAS) Workshop, August 1996, NASA Ames Research Center.

[CDS] D. C. DiNucci, "Cooperative Data Sharing: A Layered Approach to an Architecture-Independent Message-Passing Interface"Proceedings of the Second MPI Developer's Conference, Notre Dame, July 1996, IEEE, pp. 58-65.

[F-Nets] D. C. DiNucci, "An Architecture-Independent Model for Parallel Software Engineering", Ph.D. Dissertation (Committee: Robert G. Babb II, Michael Wolfe, Richard Kieburtz, Harry Jordan), Tech Report OGI CS/E 91-TH-007, 1991.(Gzipped Postscript or PDF).

[LGDF2] D. C. DiNucci, R. G. Babb II, "Development of Portable Parallel Programs with Large-Grain Data Flow 2", Proceedings of CONPAR 90 - VAPP IV (LNCS457), Zurich, Switzerland, 1990, pp. 253-264.

[LGDF2] D. C. DiNucci, R. G. Babb II, "Design and Implementation of Parallel Programs with LGDF2", Digest of Papers from Compcon '89, IEEE, pp. 102-107.

[LGDF2] D. C. DiNucci, "High-Level Parallel Debugging with LGDF2" (extended abstract), Proc. SIGPLAN/SIGOPS Workshop on Paralllel and Distributed Debugging, May 1988.

[LGDF2] D. C. DiNucci, R. G. Babb II, "Practical Support for Parallel Programming", Proceedings of 21st Hawaii Int'l Conf. on System Sciences (HICSS), vol. 2, Jan 1988, pp. 109-118.

[LGDF2] R. G. Babb II, D. C. DiNucci, "Scientific Parallel Processing with LGDF2", Proceedings of the 3rd SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PPSC87), SIAM, Los Angeles, 1987, pp. 307-311.

[LGDF] R. G. Babb II, D. C. DiNucci, "Design and Implementation of Parallel Programs with Large-Grain Data Flow", The Characteristics of Parallel Algorithms, ed. L. Jamieson, D. Gannon, R. Douglass, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1987, pp. 335-349.